VeriFreeze™ provides daily information regarding the occurrence of ice formation due to a recent refreeze event, as well as related phenomena like black ice. As an add on service to your CST locations, VeriFreeze streamlines billing and provides documentation for non-accumulation service calls to help avoid conflict.
A complete database of snow and ice events for all subscribed Postal codes. Access storms from the current season as well as the two prior seasons. You can easily search for historical snowfall data or use the "Advanced Search" to create custom reports.
Keep track of the monthly and seasonal cumulative snowfall reports for all postal codes on your account. Customize your snow depth report for a specific date range, an entire season, or a full calendar year. Perfect for all seasonal contracts!
Monitor seasonal caps for any of your postal codes. Assign a cap to a location and receive an email notification when the location has met or exceeded that threshold.
CST reports on current snowfall totals can be printed as well as downloaded to a PDF or Excel document. You can export data on snowfall amounts for a single storm, an entire season, and everything in between. Totally customize-able!
As part of WeatherWorks' Enterprise Solutions, our Certified Snowfall Totals API provides you with everything you need to integrate our post-storm snow accumulations into your billing software.
Ask about incorporating daily, weekly or monthly excel feeds to your service.
For more information about our new API click here. For users of our previous API version, please contact us.
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